Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, the rainy season here in Japan is rolling to an end, but in passing, we have seen a round of firework displays all over Japan. Many places have allready hosted theirs, and many others, will be hosting them during the rest of this month.

These desplays are taken very seriously, with the local populace, and local companies sponsoring sections of the displays.

I have been lucky enough to partake in 2 this year. Kashiwazaki, ranked in the top 9 in Japan, and Nagaoka, ranked in the top 3.

To start with, Kashiwazaki.
The display comes at the end of the 3 day Gion festival. Day 1 sees kids marching bands, and city-wide folk dancing. The second day sees the local community groups hauling floats out, omikoshi and barrels of sake being paraded, and lots of merriment ensues. The fireworks come on day 3.

The display really starts in the morning. People wake up at stupid o'clock in the morning and head down to the beach in order to park their sheets to reserve a spot. This display is ranked in the top 9 across the country. Lots of people come. And whilst Kashiwazaki has a nice beach, it is not that big. Space is at a premium.

The display is truly magnificent with lots of explosions, colour, and all of it launched from pontoons out at sea. These pontoons allow a good distance between the firework and the beach. However, some of the fireworks are truly massive, and feel like they are right over your head! An amazing experience.

Next, Nagaoka.
The following week, we made it to Nagaoka. This time, the display was launched from 3 areas on the river, so everyone goes and sits on the bank. The display is so amazing, but the problem is, parts of the display are a long way away.
Not to take anything away, even though we sit cheek by jowel (there are THAT many people!) with our neighbours, we dont need to worry as all that pales into the background when the display kicks in leaving people breathless!

The highlight of the show however, is "The Phoenix." Produced by a firework factory in the small town of Katakai, Niigata (Yay! I can claim it!).

Just to give you some stats on this. Now, in Japan, most of the fireworks are mortar-launched. In other words, the firework is a ruddy great ball that they put in a tube, and launch it skywards. This allows for a more spherical (and pretty) BANG! The Phoenix itself sits at a healthily sized 1.2m in diameter.

This firework is impressive in every stat. It is so big and heavy that it has to be winched in off its own truck!

As I said, all these are mortar launched, here is a monument at the factory that shows the sizes of tube involved! These things are BIG!

Now, a few more things about this. The firework, when launched, goes up. Keeps going. Then a bit more. Until finally, at 800 m up in the sky, it lights the sky like a sunrise! Unfortunately, at the Nagaoka display, it shot into the clouds, and my camera was too slow to take a pic as it lit the clouds like a sunburts through them! A truly awesome sight! However, did catch it as the display sank through the cloud!

The light you can see in the bottom left corner is the bridge being lit up by a waterfall shower. The PHoenix itself was actually launched from a pontoon located about 100 meters behind the bridge, even though it looks like the shower is falling in front of it.

Thanks to "Somafire" on Youtube for getting it on video!

And to put it into context, a few smaller fireworks added in to show its size!

I strongly recommend to any readers who stumble on this page, and likes fireworks, to consider coming to Japan during the summer! Japan is hot, but the people are nice, and the fireworks are truly amazing! The factory is likely to try to produce another one bigger than the Phoenix at some point, as they strive to set off a firework that glows perfectly spherical!

It is amazing to behold! If a bit noisy...

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