Friday, June 3, 2011

Chavtastic Chavdom!

So, the world (well, the UK) is being riven in two by that most heinous of words. A word that is a dark stain on our soul. A word so vile it has been deemed to be worthy of total erasure from the English language. That word is...


Yes. A vile word indeed. 

The word itself first really appeared back in 2001 in the media, and by 2004 had entered common everyday use. A word that is linked to the growth of anti-social behaviour. 

Many social (usually left-leaning) commentators link the rise in the use of the word "chav" with a rise in a new "class war" or a kind of neo-snobbery. Almost an attack on the working class. It has been often linked with youths who wear certain fashion styles, and embody a certain type of attitude. The fashion of choice was Burberry. Especially the Burberry cap. Burberry has since scaled back the amount of Burberry check they use on their fashions, and have pulled their signature "chav" item, the cap.
Burberry then...

Burberry now

I cannot be bothered detailing the ins and outs of the social issues, mainly because I am not a social scientist and I dont have the time to wade through all the material. I will leave you to read into it. I am just going to point my view.

In my opinion, "chav" is more a state of mind than a social grouping. Granted the largest group is a sort of young under class who DO engage in socially questionable activities. However, it is not exclusively linked to them. Though Michael Carroll is an excellent example of a chav. After winning the lottery, he blew all his money on pointless bling, parties, and drugs. Had a stretch in jail, got declared bankrupt, and is now back as a binman (nothing wrong with the profession!)

He just makes me cringe!

I cant see the word "chav" as being exclusively working class. To say it is a "working class" word would be to tarnish those who are supposedly "working class" as they work really, really hard. Working to deliver services  to people, living within their means, not running out to buy fashion stuff just because...

Shock! Working class guy actually working! Deserves a medal, for hauling milk through the snow, this guy!

Likewise those in the "upper classes" are not all elegant paragons of society. For example, Paris Hilton. 

I REALLY dont understand why some people say she is stunning! I know plenty of girls here in Japan far prettier than her!

Here is a lady that is not working class, not ever really having had to work a day in her life! However, her attitude is quite selfish, she goes out to party for herself, and to my mind, does not really deliver social benefits to the US. She also spent time in jail for various misdemeanors, been arrested for bad driving,,, AND Her TV shows have been quite vapid and shallow. I would level the charge of "chav" at her!

So, to me, the word "chav" is not an attack on the working class, more an attack on the work-shy socially stunted class!

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