Now, for those of you who live in/near to Manchester, then I am sure you are all too aware of "The Bollards." For those of you who are not, the bollards are a set of automatic metal posts that block off quick access to Cross St from Deansgate. They sink into the road to allow public service vehicles through as well as buses. These vehicles carry a special doohicky to activate them. Joe Public does not have one.
Manchester City Council took the decision to put the bollards in since this rat run is a handy, but narrow road connecting to main Cross street and Deansgate, running through Manchester. On one side, you have the M&S/Selfridges/Harvey Nicks anchored shopping area that links to other shops, restaurants, Exchange Sq, and Urbis, and on the other side, you have St Anns Sq, with even more shops in. The council took the decision to block access to allow pedestrians to move easily from one area to the other. The bollards where brought in as this area is a fantastic place for buses to drop off people wanting to travel to the city centre! Close to the Arndale, Exchange Sq, M&S, and Victoria Stn...
However, these bollards are not without their hazards.

These bollards have caught out many drivers. Up to 11am, when the area is not so busy with shoppers, the bollards are down. This helps with traffic. Once it comes to 11am, lights change colour, and up pop the bollards, limiting access, and protecting the shopper who should be now heading into the city centre for a daily splurge.
These bollards have resulted in many accidents, with cars getting their radiators and engines smashed in. The reason is usually because they see a bus go through, this run gives quick access to Cross St, and they tailgate. Problem is, the bollards are designed to pop up as soon as the (allowed) vehicle has passed over, resulting in vehicles ramming the bollards!

For some reason, seeing a Merc smashed up does not fill me with pity...
The one thing here, the first car pulls up, and cant get through. She they leave. But no! They wait for a bus, and try to follow it through! Followed by some guy with kids in his car! However, I have no sympathy for the family (Though I hope the kids where ok!)
And again, more people trying to write off their cars!...
Finally, a wonderful bit of news. If you smash into the barriers, you have to pay for their repairs! Brilliant! May seem a bit harsh, but if you where watching, there are 4 things warning people! 2 big signs, a traffic light affair, and an audio warning. If you miss all of these, then you have to be driving with cloth ears, and a blindfold on. If you wilfully ignore them, then you deserve all you get!
However, the bollards are not perfect...

Still. They do at least afford plenty of videos for Youtube, and me lots of sniggers at others expense!
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