Sunday, April 3, 2011

Radiation Update - Japan 4/3

I have decided to keep a track on the levels of radiation, taking the figures from the Japan times which takes readings at about 5pm every day. I do not profess to understand how everything works, but I felt it a good idea to put this up. Japan is still open! And this is the second day of such a graph.

I have selected several prefectures, including my own, which are round Fukushima.

I have not included Ibaraki, as that just stretches the graph up a lot, and trying to add Fukushima will just be silly!

Just to put it into perspective.

All this radiation is measured in microsieverts per hour. Just to put it into perspective, a chest X-ray will see you get blasted by 50 microsieverts, a flight from tokyo to New York and back, will see you subjected to 190 microsieverts, and should you require a serious stomach X-ray, thats 600 microsieverts.

Also, the average person per year, through using the microwave and other objects will receive 2400 microsieverts. A CAT scan will see you walloped with 6900 microsieverts, and the maximum a nuclear power worker is allowed is 50,000 microsieverts. 

Finally, at 100,000 microsieverts, your risk of cancer will increase! By a massive 0.5%!

So, I have my iodine tablets, but I am not unduly worried!

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