The Japanese do like to organise stuff. And when they plan something, they PLAN something! There is the worlds largest curry cooked in Japan, the largest firework is assembled here in Japan, the most extensive high speed rail network is here in Japan, soon, there will be the worlds biggest free-standing man-made structure as well, built in Tokyo!

This new tower, dubbed Tokyo Tower 2, is slated for completion in 2011. Initially, the design had the tower standing at about 610 metres. Making it marginally bigger than Toronto's CN Tower, the current record holder, as a free-standing tower.
However, the designers realised it would be cheaper, yes, cheaper! If they actually sent the tower up to about 635 metres! Making it easily the tallest free-standing tower, and the second tallest building in the world. Still 100 and a bit metres behind the massive Burj Dubai going up in the Middle East.
This all sounds fun, but not in the remotest bit racy.
So, if you dont want to read about something slightly more smutty, turn away now!
What I am referring to, was an event last year (I think) which involved 500 people. Does not sound much, but this was an orgy. Yes, an orgy. The Japanese are very polite, the girls are unbelievably cute, and you would not dream that the Japanese could be capable of anything so, ah, adult.
But they are. Once the doors are closed, and in the privacy of their rooms, or in a love hotel, the Japanese can really let go. Probably because they work so hard, that they have to get, whilst the getting is good. If you 'scuse the expression.

So, the directors hired out a large gym, laid down 500 futons, got 500 couples to pick a mat, and organised an orgy.
Now, this was a JAPANESE orgy, so no flailing of limbs, no, ah, "sharing," or moving around. Each couple stuck to their own mat. Not only that, but in true Japanese style, the whole thing was choreographed. Each move planned, so what you have is 250 couples enjoying each others "company" and smoothly flowing from one position to another. En masse.

Who says the Japanese dont know how to have fun!
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