Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Political Wordplay

Now, politicians of all hues and affiliations are often accused of using plattitudes. However, what do we expect of them? If they speak their mind, then they get critisised. If they use a platitude, they get critisised. So, I gues they use the platitude as it does not make them look quite as stupid as if they just allways spoke their mind.

One recent "slip" afflicted Gordon Brown. With his declaration that he had "Saved the world." Really Gordon? I dont see you earing a cape! Or, that is a REALLY GOOD disguise!

And here it is!

This verbal diorrhea allficts all politicians. Not just in Britain. Though being British, I love it when the incumbant embarrases themselves. Hopefully it teaches them a little humility. Especially since Gordons ego is bigger than the sun!

Its not just British politicians though. Here in Japan politicians are just as, if not more so, capable of well and truly jamming their fiit firmly in their mouth. Prime Minister Aso is famous for a little verbal slippage. When he was 'just' a minister, this was not such a problem, indeed, it encouraged positive fuzzies about him. However, now he has the top job, these moments are causing him and his party a lot of embarrasment.

Old people - "Why should I pay taxes to pay people who eat, drink, and make no effort?"
Healthcare - "Why should I pay for medical cost for people who drink and smoke?"
He as also declare Doctors have no common sense.
On Obama - "His English somehow suggests a high intelligence"

Of course, when he is on his foriegn trips, his advisors can limit the damage he can cause himself. He has called Hillary without any honorific. However, the Jpanese media understand this, but Japanese is a hard language to understand so its not widely reported in America, and his translators do go through a lot of heavy editing when they translate for the foriegn press!

Not just Aso has recently "made a booby." The (former) Tourism minister, Nariaki Nakayama declared that Japan was genetically homogenous, and didnt like foriegners. Well, there are plenty of Japanese that like foriegners. My girlfriend being one. And Japan is no longer a genetically homogenous country. There are the indigenous "Inu" who live on Hokkaido! Way to go Nariaki! Lets ignore a chunk of my population, and shoot my own ministry by way of dissing those who we are trying to bring in!

Under Prime Minister Abe, one of his ministers declared women to be "Baby making machines" There is a logic behind his statement. Somewhere. Maybe.

However, the big prize goes to Yoshiro Mori said America was full of gangsters, AID's is not a big problem, and offended the entire city of Osaka. It got so bad, his advisers flat out refused to let him speak in public! He had to use flash cards!

Ah well. On the bad side, if politicians think these things, what does it mean for their ability to govern? Have we pick some real doozies to run things on our behalf? On the good side, they do give comedians hours and hours of useful material to make the rest of us laugh!

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