Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy Christmas to one and all!
And my record still holds. Last year I saw 2 Phoenix games, and the Phoenix went 1-1, and again this year! The first game was against the Steelers. The Phoenix started well, and despite the Steelers being the better team, the Phoenix got in their grill, and gave the Steelers all they could handle, and where justly rewarded with a lead heading into the second period.
In the second, I dont know what happened, but the Phoenix never got back on the gas like they did in the first. The Steelers stepped up their game, and clawed back into the game. OK, OK, the Phoenix could take the break, clear their heads, and set it up for an exciting third. Unfortunately, we let ourselves slip further back! Ah well.
I travelled 9,000 miles for that...
Anyhoo. Open the presents, and on to the second game against Newcastle. Well, what a difference. This time, in special green Christmas jerseys, the Phoenix start brightly with Newcastle matching us. A moment of panic when there was a round of handbags on the 5 minute mark with Cloots getting a game penalty for 3rd man in. Little harsh. Still, did not seem to affect the team as the Phoenix bagged 2 within seconds on the 10 minute mark, and a third towards the end of the first.
Newcastle, to their credit, could have got really chippy, but didnt. They tightened up, and got on with it, and the final score was 3-2. So, really close nail-biting stuff. Interspersed with an on-ice game of people running round on the ice carrying stuff, including yours truly. I didnt do too well, trailing in last. However, my shoes are new and the sole does not bend! Running on ice is hard! However, I was the only one not to fall over! So, a moral victory for me anyway!
Still, had a great time. My thanks to all at the Phoenix for making my girlfriend feel so welcome. She will return to Japan with a lot of wonderful memories from this trip! So, my thanks to all, Gambatte to the Phoenix for the rest of the season, and see you all again! Some day!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas run-in
However, this will be my last blog for a bit, and just want to use the opportunity to tie up a few loose threads rattling round in my head before I sign off for a while.
1. The Phoenix look to be settling into 5th in the league, with a little inconsistancy creeping in. Beating the Capitals in a close game on a very cold night, sandwiched between defeats to two of the "Big 4." Guess we will see what the outcome will be against the Bison. Given how the "Big 4" have basically not changed, I do think more has to be done to even the playing field! Those 4 obviously have the financial ability to pull away from the rest of us, even though the gap is a little closer this year, there is still that gap!
2. The Winter Classic in the NHL is coming up soon. A big game between the Chicago Blackhawks, and Detroit Redwings taking place at Chicago Red Sox' Wrigley Field. Promises to be fantastic, with Winter games allready being hosted in Edmonton, and Buffalo. These games have been big successes, and this game looks like taking this, and being even bigger still. Even if you ignore the fact that its at one of America's most storied venues, its a game between 2 of the "Origional 6," and that the Redwings are the current Champions!
The debate is raging on about the Winter Classic, over the pond. It is popular, and the fans are largely happy with it. However, a lot of people want it to be a "special event" rather than something that loses its "specialness" by happening too much, and losing its lustre.
I dont believe that it will lose its shine, since there are 32 teams in the NHL, and plenty of games to choose from! If there is just one game a year, Then it will take you 16 years just to feature every team once. Then across North America you have a number of venues that could be used for such a game. Yankee Stadium for one! Can anyone see the possibility of a Rangers/Islanders Winter Classic??
OK, a little tricky to have a Winter Classic game in Phoenix, Arizona, where its till flippin warm come winter. However, these problems are not allways insurmountable. As long as the NHL has the guts to try. As the 4th sport in North America, the NHL do have to try something big to move the game on, and try to develop further.
However, I would like it to continue as a regular thing. Rangers v Islanders at Yankee Stadium sounds cool, as does Tampa Bay v Florida at Raymond James Stadium. Who says the Winter Classic has to be cold!? I am sure the players would not mind! Though getting the ice to freeze could be an issue!
3. Pre-Christmas busyness. As I said before I am using this blog to wrap up a few things. Once I have made it through this weekend, I will, at some point, post pics of the Geos Christmas shindigs. Unfortunately, it wont be for a while! Monday is final shopping day before my vacation. Tuesday is last laundry and packing day. Wednesday is packing day, though this time, assisting my girlfriend, since this is her first trip, and she will want to pack everything! The Thursday is go-day, so will be incommunicado until I finally arrive at my parents house on the 21st!
Well, to all those who do stop by, Have a merry Christmas, and a happy new year! My regards to you and yours!
Keep safe!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Political Wordplay
One recent "slip" afflicted Gordon Brown. With his declaration that he had "Saved the world." Really Gordon? I dont see you earing a cape! Or, that is a REALLY GOOD disguise!
And here it is!
This verbal diorrhea allficts all politicians. Not just in Britain. Though being British, I love it when the incumbant embarrases themselves. Hopefully it teaches them a little humility. Especially since Gordons ego is bigger than the sun!
Its not just British politicians though. Here in Japan politicians are just as, if not more so, capable of well and truly jamming their fiit firmly in their mouth. Prime Minister Aso is famous for a little verbal slippage. When he was 'just' a minister, this was not such a problem, indeed, it encouraged positive fuzzies about him. However, now he has the top job, these moments are causing him and his party a lot of embarrasment.
Old people - "Why should I pay taxes to pay people who eat, drink, and make no effort?"
Healthcare - "Why should I pay for medical cost for people who drink and smoke?"
He as also declare Doctors have no common sense.
On Obama - "His English somehow suggests a high intelligence"
Of course, when he is on his foriegn trips, his advisors can limit the damage he can cause himself. He has called Hillary without any honorific. However, the Jpanese media understand this, but Japanese is a hard language to understand so its not widely reported in America, and his translators do go through a lot of heavy editing when they translate for the foriegn press!
Not just Aso has recently "made a booby." The (former) Tourism minister, Nariaki Nakayama declared that Japan was genetically homogenous, and didnt like foriegners. Well, there are plenty of Japanese that like foriegners. My girlfriend being one. And Japan is no longer a genetically homogenous country. There are the indigenous "Inu" who live on Hokkaido! Way to go Nariaki! Lets ignore a chunk of my population, and shoot my own ministry by way of dissing those who we are trying to bring in!
Under Prime Minister Abe, one of his ministers declared women to be "Baby making machines" There is a logic behind his statement. Somewhere. Maybe.
However, the big prize goes to Yoshiro Mori said America was full of gangsters, AID's is not a big problem, and offended the entire city of Osaka. It got so bad, his advisers flat out refused to let him speak in public! He had to use flash cards!
Ah well. On the bad side, if politicians think these things, what does it mean for their ability to govern? Have we pick some real doozies to run things on our behalf? On the good side, they do give comedians hours and hours of useful material to make the rest of us laugh!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Manchester Phoenix, the astounding ride.
Of course, I was not there, but oh, do I wish I were! Sounds like an intense and amazing affair. Even in the first period, the scond period being also even but the Giants took the score 2-1. However, the shocker for me, the third period saw 4 unanswered goals for the PHoenix. Including 3 from Beauregard, all ably assisted by the greatest living British hockey player, Tony Hand!
Now, the SOG do seem a little odd.
Lyle (Giants) 29
Murphy (Phoenix) 45
This either points to the Phoenix defence being down-right awful, or Murphy being unutterably amazing. I do know that the Phoenix defense is not that bad, and unfortunately, Murphy is not that good (He is, however, bloody good!). So, I cannot help but wonder if the two goal judges where using different interpretations of what counted as a shot on goal. For me, I did have a few stints as a goaljudge, and I was allways told if the shot was clearly going to go through the crease, then it counts. Even if a player actively deflects it away. However, if the puck is bounced off accidently, then it does not count. Now, my fellow goaljudge was given the same definition, and lo, we ended up with broadly similar counts, unless the game really was that one-sided.
These numbers DO help Smurf numbers! As it stands;
Lyle - 82.75% save rate
Murphy - 97.78% save rate.
Which, by any judgement, is a pretty amazing save percentage! NHL netties would be ecstatic to get that sort of figure!
Any road.
The Phoenix, as one of the leagues "Little teams" (Though that is something for another debate, at another time!) walked in to the "O" and turned over arguably the best team in the league. I say arguably, since the Steelers have the points in the bag and occupy the top seat at the table at the moment.
Still. A good day to be a Phoenix fan.
Now I am off to stare at the upcoming score for the Devils/Phoenix game.
Heres hoping for a little bit of turnabout from last week!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Manchester Phoenix. International fan club!
The small one with the Hockey gloves plays for the Kashiwazaki junior team!
And here is the whole mob of them!
Also, I have a standing invitation to join the local team to train! They got very excited when I started skating. Because I am a foriegner, and more importantly, I can skate backwards! Kind of. Unfortunately, there are 2 main things hindering me from joining. The language is not such an issue. However, 1. I have no kit. 2. They train when I am working! Still, it is nice that I have an invitation!
A Follow-on from another blog
Here are the latest 2. Both pics I have pinched, and to the respective personages, I say, "ta."
Well, this is the latest UK-produced number, which my brother unveiled internationally on his blog pages. Must admit, I like the shiny material, and the logo is well done. Over all a simple, clear design. However, I do agree with my brother in that the letters do get "lost" on the shiny red. Maybe going with the same black as the face would have been better. Still. It is only fabric, and the design can be tweaked as the days move on.
Well, this is the second one (the banner on the right, with the funny squiggles). This one was produced in Japan, with some help from my students, and a lot of help from my girlfriend, Yuko. The writing is all in Katakana, and basically reads "Manchester Phoenix, ganbarro!" Ganbarro = Good luck, fight, do your best, show strength, promise your best, try! The smaller squiggles linked to the two flags are mine and my girlfriends names. Heck. The banner is great. I'm going to blow my own trumpet!
These will all be on show as of the Manchester Phoenix v Sheffield game, December 21st!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
History in the making!
Tony Hand bagged his 4,000th point!
An amazing feat!
After losing 3 to Sheffield twice, and the Giants, the Phoenix re-gathered, re-focused, and got back to business. Last weekend with a big win over Hull, and then going into Tony's home stomping ground and easing out the result against the Capitals. However, Tony was not able to scrape the points together to get through the magic 4,000 barrier. Leaving Edinburgh glued on 3,999.
The week ground by, and we go into a big weekend for the Phoenix. Playing teams under them in the league are must-wins. Getting points keeps them behind, and helps the Phoenix take steps up the table.
So. First up. An away trip to Hull.
Watching the updates, Hull bagged the first, with the Phoenix equalising. Left me thinking that Hull has learnt its lesson and decided to put up a fight this time! However, on the Phoneix' first goal, Hand had been awarded the second assist! Yay! 4,000! Personally, would have preferred it to have come on the back of Hand bagging an amazing goal, but somehow, getting it as an assist is kind of apt for Tony! Given the type of player he is.
Second period was quiet on the scoring front, but then in the third, all hell breaks loose! Phoenix run out 7-1 winners! With Beauregard getting the man of the match award after a 3+3 game. Guy is fast turning into a legend! We HAVE to keep him!
Good on Hull for a presentation of a bottle of bubbly to Tony after his point. And for keeping it low-key. Did not need any showy stuff. We all knew it was coming!
Well, a 7-1 win is pretty impressive. I know the Big 4 will sneer at it a little given it "was only Hull" However, as the Steelers found out collapsing to the Bison, those lower down the league should not be underestimated!
So, we roll on to the second game of the weekend against Cardiff, and a much sterner test!
Here's hoping Tony is able to add to his haul, and lead the Phoenix to another 2 points!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Land of the Rising Cellphone! Mk2
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Land of the Rising Cellphone!
With regards the cell phones here. Are they more advanced? Heck yes! The rest of the world is playing catch-up! Japan has had 3G phones for the better part of a decade, and Docomo is in the process of rolling out the next, next generation network. The Japanese dont go for the same branding as the rest of the planet. For example, 3G is not 3G, but FOMA. However, Japan has the highest takeup of any country in the world. Japan has a population of 127,000,000 and the number of people with FOMA phones is 104,000,000. NTT Docomo have been testing 4G capabilities, and have got speeds of 2.5gbps out of it, and have begun rolling the network out slowly across Japan. And they have begun promoting a couple of phones capable of using the 4G networks capabilities.
Are Japans phones lightyears ahead? Not any more. They are still many steps ahead, but not that far any more. Other companies and countries are catching up, building the technology into their phones. However, the technology is not as widespread, nor is it as 'complete' as it is in Japanese phones.
Just to show what I mean.
UK phones
- 5GB camera - 8GB
- video conferencing
- TV (new with Nokia)
- Internet at 3.6mbps
- Radio
- voice recognition
- Face auto-focus
- Business card reader
- mp3
- Bluetooth/USB/wifi
Japanese phones
- 5GB is average. 8GB is trickling down. a few phones allready have 10!
- Duh!
- What phone does NOT have it!
- Internet at 5+mbps
- Radio
- voice recognition for e-mailing and phonebook.
- Considering face recognition tech was invented in Japan...
- Business card/barcode reader
- mp3
- Bluetooth, wifi, and USB

And the P906i also acts as a perfectly useable tv. Most popularly used on trains by commuters.
Also, common tech in Japanese phones.
- FeliCa. A secure cashless, cardless payment system.
- i-mode. An internet based data management system. Can use it to buy tickets ranging from the movies to airplanes!
- broad-band pc internet capabilities. Just twist the screen, and away you go!
- disaster alert. Part of every network is that there is a geographic alert system. If you are in a disaster zone, your company axes many of your phones functions leaving it with the bare essentials, freeing up network space for system wide alerts, emergency calls and e-mails.
Well, dont worry, the rest of you will get to enjoy all these things. In the future! If you are lucky! You may all go gooey over the iPhone, and Japan did too. For all of 2 months. Since then, the sales have slumped, and it is seen as just another fashion accessory. Also, Apple waited until they had the upgraded iPhone 3G before getting in to the Japanese market!
Steve Jobs took great delight in detailing what flash technology was included in the iPhone, and how it was revolutionary. The Japanese asked "Huh?"
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Solving the Credit Crunch, Japanese style!
Manchester Phoenix v Nottingham
Well, last night, the Phoenix rolled into Nottingham looking to pick up another 2 points, unfortunately, Nottingham where a lot more on the ball this time, and ran a much more physical game, with players being thrown out, and plexi-glass being shattered! Sounds like a fun game!
Nottingham, to their credit, fought hard, and pulled out a 5-4 victory. Heck, we ran them close! However, disappointingly, the Phoenix had managed to pull out a 2 goal lead in this game, only to let Nottingham bag 3 unanswered goals! This is something that has happened before, and as such, needs sorting out Tony! So, a little disappointing.
However, on the flipside, the very fact that we are able to feel disappointed with this outcome does mark a massive step forward in this team when compared with teams of yore. Last year, we would be reflecting on "what might have been" whereas this year, its more a case of "What should have been!" When you realise that, you do suddenly perk up a bit!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Credit Crunch bites back!
This was their plan with VW this week. A company who's stocks where expected to sink as the car industry marks a decline. However, as the hedge funds began to borrow and sell shares, there cam a quick realisation. There was not enough shares to go around! Forcing the prices of VW to bounce up! 348%! Briefly making it the largest company in the world!
This massive jump has led to hedge funds totting up losses of £18,000,000,000!
Could not have happened to a nicer bunch of people...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Japan. The Myth. The Legend.
However, the first step in understanding this baffling nation is that they arrived at the same level as the west, but down a completely different path! Once you have managed this 90 degree twist in your brain, then Japan starts to open up to you like a blossoming flower!
1) Japan is a tech driven society
True. They must have the latest thing! There is an inpermanence built into Japanese society. Which I think is in part brought about by a desire to catch up with the west. The west is seen as cool, and better than Japan in many regards. There is a certain amount of envy over the lifestyles we have, the freedoms we enjoy. The Japanese are still somewhat constrained by societal demands. Also, Japan is a land of earthquakes! Meaning your house is lucky to make it to 30 years without some kind of heavy damage! If a house is totalled, then of course, everything in it has to be replaced too! An example of this is my girlfriend, Yuko. She has a wide flatscreen hi def digital TV which she's had for 3 or 4 years. It works well, the picture quality is excellent, but because it is "old" she wants to junk it!
2) Technology is cheap!
False. Look at my answer above. The high demand for the latest thing keeps prices high. I have a Nintendo Wii. And its great! But people wonder if I am wierd because I ONLY have a Wii! People will have a Wii and PS3, or a couple of the hand-helds. This demand keeps prices up at the same levels the west pays. However, whilst the prices are not cheaper, you will buy THE latest, and best that is on offer.
3) Japan is safe.
True. It is quite safe. The murder rate is really low (I think its because the Japanese are too tired!), and all other levels of crime are lower. People will go to the convenience store and leave the engine running whilst they do their shopping. Of course, this does not mean Japan is a utopia, far from it, however, it feels safer. But it is adviseable to take standard precautions, especially in cities. One thing to note. Keep your bike locked... But dont panic, if it does go missing, there is a high chance it will make its way back to you!
4) Discipline.
True. Up to a point. Japanese society puts "society" first, and "individuality" second. This means you cant rock the boat. That does not mean everyone is perfect. Far from it. Kids can be bad. Good students pass entrance exams and get into good schools, and will go to good universities and get good jobs. However, if you do not pass those exams, you go into a lesser school, and the system (which is good at one end) begins to let them down. Japanese education is excellent at the top end, but it is very inflexible, so at the bottom, kids start to get left behind. These kids stand little chance of getting into the good universities, so their motivation drops through the floor. Like the west, there are good students, and bad students. However, there is a stark gap between the two!
5) They are all small
True. Or at least, it was. As Japanese society changes and moves closer to the west, they are introducing more wester nelements into the diet. Such as more dairy goods. A long time a go, diary was not that common. Now, it is. The Japanese average is shorter than the average westerner. However, given the healthy nature of the diet, they are much slimmer, and this helps create an image of a tiny people.
6) It is all futuristic
True/False. Depends on where you live. If you live in the city, then yes, it is. If you go to the country, then it is not. In the country, people hold on to the traditional way of live, roads dont get repaired that often. Thats because they suffer a lot of winter damage and earthquakes! In the city there are so many people, so the city managers have to adapt to cope with massive numbers of people. This means the introduction of technology to help speed things up!
7) Polite
OH so very true! Given "Society is first" people are polite to each other so as not to cause offence. This results in a lot of bowing and apologising. They will still help a dumb foriegner like me! Smiling and being polite, even if they are muttering under their breath about stupid foriegners! However, privacy is really important. Not a surprise in a country with such a high population density. This privacy means that some Japanese choose to almost ignore people they dont know. This is not rudeness, but that they are private and since they dont know you, they wont do anything to interefere. However, this does, in some people, lead to them doing stuff that we would consider 'rude.' There are some Japanese unfortunately, who dont like foriegners and will completely ignore us. They will try to push in in front of you in lines, etc. However, obvious signs of displeasure, outright glaring, or invading their personal space is usually enough to make them swiftly back down!
Well, I hope this helps! Japan is fast paced/slow, high/low tec, polite/rude, old/new country. And, like I said at the start, it arrived at a high, almost western style of living, down a completely different path. My best advice is to twist your brain 90 degrees. This will help you survive here!
Really cool NHL jersey stuff!
My personal favourite is the re-brand for the New Jersey Devils. Rather natty beasts head logo!
Anyhoo. Pop over and have a look!
Referees around the world!

Urawa is a major power team that has recently enjoyed a lot of success. Niigata however, has not! It is unfortunate. But you have to give them a lot of credit! Every game, the go into battle more orangey than the most die-hard Dutchman!
So, off I trot to the Big Swan stadium to see Niigata take on Urawa, and things start well with the Niigata fans in excellent voice (Inspired by the fact Urawa are in town!). And the Urawa fans not so sparky!
I am, and forever will be, mad keen on Hockey! And my number one team is the Manchester Phoenix! Here is my uptake on the season so far, from afar!
Well, so far, so good. Last years team did imress me, in fits and starts. A bunch of good players, who just did not manage to click! I did get to see them a couple of times, and in the Christmas game against Cardiff (which we lost) I just got the feeling of a team half a step out with itself. Passes going just behind or in front of a stick. Players peeling off rather than heading deep for a pass. Just a lot of work, and a heck of a lot of missed chances!
However, I just get the feeling that with THIS team, Tony Hand has managed to right some of these. Whilst the team is a little step up in quality overall, I feel that the fact that these errors are being ironed out means that the team has become greater than the sum of its parts!
Lots of well-boding all round!
Very impressed with the reports coming out of Manchester about Mr Beauregard. You have to respect the guy! Hatfulls of points, currently leagues top scorer, and all this with just the one eye! Talk about adjusting to cope with a disability! I suppose this disability has worked in Manchesters favour, as I am fairly sure that if it werent for the injury and losing an eye, he would be way higher up than with an Elite League team! Long may he continue to wear the colours of the Phoenix!
Also, very happy we have a Brit goalie! Murphy was a little bit of an unknown quantity when he joined the Phoenix, with no-one really sure how he would face under the week in week out preassure he would face. And so far, he is standing up very well! Obviously taking the chance to show his mettle!
Also, the team as a whole looks good. Gelling nicely and the result is the string of brilliant results! Turning over Sheffield twice, doing Nottingham in Nottingham, walking into Coventry and being unlucky to lose! It is looking good for the Phoenix! We may not be the team to win the league, but we are definately going to cause other teams and their fans a few sleepless nights as we roll around kicking over a good many applecarts on the way!
I can definately see us picking up a trophy this year. Most likely one of the one-off cups. On our day, we can turn anyone over, and the others wont want to face us in a high stakes game! I would love us to pick up the Playoff Championship! However, any trophy will do!
In a perfect world, I want us to win the league! I can dream...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Whereas today, all it takes is some random mumblings and its around the world in seconds!
So, this is going to turn into my random collection of thinkings based on the things I enjoy. And things that I dont. So, it will consist of life in Japan, my opinion on world events (I dont understand a lot of Japanese tv, though I will blog on that too!) because I spend a lot of my time reading newsy stuff from around the world. It will also feature my take on sports. Blogging on football in Japan, and my take on events surrounding the world of Ice Hockey. More specifically, the Manchester Phoenix. My first and always team! I am somewhat excited that I will be able to get to see them this Christmas!